2023 Conference: Theatrical Scene Painting in the 19th Century

Theatrical Scene Painting in the 19th Century: The Artist and the Picture Frame

Friday 2 August 2024

Our 2023 conference, entitled Theatrical Scene Painting in the 19th Century: The Artist and the Picture Frame took place in August 2024. The one day conference, held on the theatre stage, focused in the role of the scenic artist and their work. 

Academics and historians from across the world shared their expertise with a spread of papers that included conservation, the D’Oyly Carte sets, Scottish scenic painters and the Normansfield collection. A full conference programme can be found here.  

The conference culminated with a demonstration of our stage machinery with it’s newly restored ground rows and commissioned scenery from Wendy Waszut-Barrett.  To find out more about our stage machinery and to watch the demonstration video, click the link here

Panel Recordings
